UAN : 042-111-546-511
Want to exchange 1-100-500-1000-5000 canadian dollar in Pakistani rupees? You are at Pakistan's no#1 Currency Exchange Platform.
Canadian dollar is one of the strongest currencies out there. CAD to PKR currency exchange has a long history and now Canada has become one of the top trading partners of Pakistan. Canadian dollar has been a stable currency for decades which makes it a seductive choice for businesses and investments around the globe. Pakistani rupee has been through some hard times and fluctuations, despite that it remained as the main currency for Pakistani businesses. There is a significant difference in the currency value from 1 cad to pkr. Due to constant fluctuations in exchange rates in open market 1 canadian dollar to pkr keeps on changing every day. Whether you want to convert canadian dollars to pkr or pkr to cad, Link Exchange is here for you. With us you are getting the best deals from 1, 100, 500, 1000, 1500, 3000, 5000 canadian dollars in pakistani rupees.
Discuss your Currency Exchange Needs now!Call our Toll-Free Number 0800-78610
Currency | Buy | Sell | Last Updated |
US Dollar
| 279.00
| 281.00 | 12 hours ago |
British Pound
| 344.10
| 347.55 | 12 hours ago |
Saudi Riyal
| 74.30
| 74.80 | 12 hours ago |
Emirates Dirham
| 75.95
| 76.55 | 12 hours ago |
Turkish Lira
| 7.00
| 8.20 | 12 hours ago |
| 286.85
| 289.70 | 12 hours ago |
Japanese Yen
| 1.81
| 1.85 | 12 hours ago |
Australian Dollar
| 173.00
| 177.00 | 12 hours ago |
Canadian Dollar
| 192.50
| 196.50 | 12 hours ago |
Thailand Baht
| 8.00
| 8.80 | 12 hours ago |
Chinese Yuan
| 35.00
| 39.50 | 12 hours ago |
| 284.50
| 12 hours ago | |
Inter Bank
| 279.20
| 12 hours ago |
Exchanging Currency Made Easy
Link Exchange is the right money exchange company for you. We ensure smooth and stress-free currency exchange experience. With our unparalleled qualities and currency exchange services, you will make the most out of your money. Let it be as much as 50000 or 30000 canadian dollars in pakistani rupees, your transactions will be carried out smoothly.
Transparent fees
Usually, currency exchange companies may charge hidden fees for a large sum of money like 50000 pkr to cad or 100000 pkr to cad for their services, such as processing fees or commissions in your transactions. Our fees are clearly communicated to the customer before the transaction takes place, doesn’t matter if it is 1000 canadian dollars in pakistani rupees or a 1000 pakistani rupees to canadian dollars; they can make an informed decision about the exchange. You can compare our rates with other different money exchange providers and see for yourself how favorable our rates are.
Personalized customer service
Whether you want a large currency transaction, international wire transfer, or specialized currency exchange services from cad to pkr or pkr to cad, we provide a high level of individualized attention. Even if you want to exchange I00 cad to pkr or a 5000 canadian dollars in pakistani rupees, our experienced staff explains currency exchange process and give you the best advice for your currency exchange needs.
Quick exchange process
Our currency exchange process is quick and efficient, with most transactions completed within a few minutes. Firstly, the exchange rate and amount are discussed with the customer and then, the transaction is completed by providing the customer with the exchanged currency. No matter you want, a 1000 canadian dollars in pakistani rupees or 1000 pakistani rupees to canadian dollars our exchange process is smooth and swift. Depending on the amount being exchanged, the customer may receive cash or a check, or the funds may be transferred electronically to another account.
We make cents of your currency exchange needs! Chat with our currency exchange representative now!
Convert CAD to PKR and PKR to CAD at Interbank Exchange Rates
When it comes to the exchange rates between Canadian dollars (CAD) and Pakistani rupees (PKR), interbank rates are useful in understanding the overall market trends and fluctuations. Foreign currency exchange rates for 1 cad to pkr are always changing due to economic instability in Pakistan. We offer currency exchange services closest to interbank exchange rates which has earned us a loyal customer base. A significant number of Pakistanis residing in Canada send over CAD thus increasing the CAD to PKR demands. Tourism, trade and business purposes have also increased the demand for PKR to CAD. Are you planning to exchange 500, 1000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 15000 canadian dollars in pakistani rupees or vice versa? If so, you may be interested in knowing the current exchange rates. Use our currency converter and find out the worth of your money in Canadian dollars.
Know 1 cad to pkr today with our accurate currency converter! And exchange currency with no strings attached!
Change the way you change your currency with us!
Want to exchange currency for international payments for your business needs or for your travelling trips, Link Exchange is the perfect platform to make the process simple and stress-free. We offer a convenient, secure and straightforward process for converting CAD to PKR. Just follow these 5 easy steps and there you go:
Convert Canadian Dollars to PKR in 5 Easy Steps
1. Choose the currencies
Select the currency you want to convert in the first drop-down then select the currency you want to convert to in the other drop-down.
2. Enter transaction details
Then, enter the amount of the currency to be exchanged and input transaction details like account information etc.
3. Review the exchange rates
Next, for your own satisfaction, review the exchange rates and any charges related to transaction. You will find our rates the most competitive in the market.
4. Confirm transaction
Confirm your transaction and provide any required paperwork, such as identity and proof of address etc.
5. Receive the exchanged currency
Your exchanged currency will arrive to your account after the transaction is finished. Rest assured that the transfer will be fast and secure.
Exchange rates from CAD to PKR July 19, 2024
1 cad       10 cad    20 cad     50 cad   70 cad    100 cad    150 cad    200 cad    300 cad    400 cad   500 cad    600 cad    1000 cad    1500 cad    3000 cad     5000 cad   6000 cad     15000 cad   25000 cad     30000 cad     50000 cad    100000 cad     | 215.24 pkr 2152.40 pkr 4305.02 pkr 10760.99 pkr 15065.39 pkr 21521.98 pkr 32286.46 pkr 43048.61 pkr 64571.94 pkr 86095.86 pkr 107619.83 pkr 129143.79 pkr 215239.66 pkr 322889.25 pkr 645778.49 pkr 1076226.62 pkr 1291471.95 pkr 3228892.46 pkr 5381133.12 pkr 6457359.75 pkr 10762266.24 pkr 21519729.67 pkr |
Exchange rates from PKR to CAD July 19, 2024
1 pkr  10 pkr 20 pkr 50 pkr 70 pkr    100 pkr    150 pkr   200 pkr    300 pkr     400 pkr   500 pkr     600 pkr 1000 pkr  1500 pkr 3000 pkr  5000 pkr     6000 pkr      15000 pkr     25000 pkr    30000 pkr    50000 pkr    100000 pkr | 0.0047 cad 0.047 cad 0.093 cad 0.23 cad 0.33 cad 0.47 cad 0.70 cad 0.93 cad 1.40 cad 1.86 cad 2.32 cad 2.79 cad 4.64 cad 6.97 cad 13.93 cad 23.22 cad 27.87 cad 69.67 cad 116.14 cad 139.37 cad 232.28 cad 464.65 cad |
DISCLAIMER: This information has been prepared solely for informational purposes and does not in any way create any binding
obligation on any party and does not offer any advice for investment. No warranties or conditions of any kind, express or implied,
are made in this report. Link International exchange company is not liable for any damages
CAD: A Worthwhile Investment
Canadian dollar is a strong currency due to stable political environment and strong banking system in Canada. Thus, it is a good investment option. CAD has a huge impact on Pakistani economy as it is popularly used for Pakistani businesses and investments. Canada and Pakistan have a strong trade relationship which goes back decades. Exports and imports between both countries has increased the demand for currency exchange for investment in each other’s economies. The CAD is increasing steadily and strengthening everyday due to a high number of exports, government’s low debt levels and a commitment to balanced budgets. All these policies help to maintain the confidence of investors and makes CAD an alluring choice for investors. Thus, increasing the demand for 1000, 15000, 5000, 6000, 25000 pkr to canadian dollar.                           Â
Why Choose Us?
Want to exchange your money for international trade, foreign investment, tourism, and other purposes? Link Exchange has the best currency exchange rates for 1 cad to pkr. Our currency exchange rate speaks for itself and has earned us long-term customers.
Competitive exchange rates
Link Exchange offers competitive exchange rates. We are a reputable money exchange company offering you multiple affordable money exchange services in Pakistan. Our exchange rates are consistent and unwavering, whether you require 50 canadian dollars in pakistani rupees or 5000 canadian dollars in pakistani rupees.
We ensure that your personal and financial information is safe and secure with us. We use excellent security measures, such as encryption and password protection, to safeguard your data. Your information of transactions is kept closer than a secret.
Reliable and trustworthy
Be confident that your transaction will be completed quickly and efficiently by Link Exchange. We do not add any hidden fees or unnecessarily delay the money exchange process which makes us a perfect choice for your business needs.
We don’t just exchange money, we exchange smiles too Call us at our universal helpline 042-111-546-511
We don’t just exchange money, we exchange smiles too Call us at our universal helpline 042-111-546-511
We are not limited to exchanging currencies; but also offer other money transfer services. Link Exchange can make overseas transactions for your international money transfer needs. For this purpose, we have:
Telegraphic Transfer
You can now transfer money from one account to another online in no time. Send money anywhere in the world to your loved ones with our affordable telegraphic transfer charges. Thus, we bring convenience and ease for both sender and the receiver by delivering money to local bank account.
Home Remittance Service
Want to send your hard-earned money back home? We can assist you without demanding extravagant fees. We are a reliable agent working with international channels like RIA, Money Gram, western union & intel to deliver your money safely home.
Exchanging CAD to PKR on a Linkexchange is simple and easy. Visit a nearest branch of Linkexchange. Our professional staff convert your canadian Dollar to Pkr in just few minutes.
Open market rate is subject to various factors like global economic conditions, political developments, and market sentiment. It fluctuates on daily basis and impacts buying and selling rates of a currency. Know about current open market rates for selling and buying CAD from our website.
As of July 19th, 2023, the CAD to PKR exchange rate is 215.24 Pakistani Rupees per 1 Canadian Dollar. Exchange rates between currencies keep on changing every day. Get real-time exchange rates for CAD to PKR on our website, Link Exchange. We constantly update our exchange rates to make sure that you get accurate rates. You can find the current exchange rate for CAD to PKR on the CAD to PKR currency exchange page.
Yes, through our global presence and connectivity with multiple payment gateways linked with UBL Omni, you can receive payments sent from abroad. This facility is available at UBL Omni’s authorized money exchange companies like Link Exchange in Pakistan. Anyone can receive payments from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Europe, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, USA, UK and UAE, etc. to Pakistan.
Currency exchange transactions on websites are processed instantly. But the time period a transaction takes depends on different factors like, the transaction amount, the payment method used, and the processing time of the banks involved.
It is very unlikely for any issue to occur with your currency exchange transaction on our website, in any case, our customer support team is always ready to help you. Just contact us using the contact information given on our website, and we will assist you in resolving the issue quickly and efficiently.