
MoneyGram makes sending and receiving money transfers easy and convenient through our nationwide network of over 75+ branches in major cities of Pakistan.

moneygram transfer services in Lahore Pakistan

Schedule of Charges

From To Fee
1.00 2,000.00 600
2,000.01 8,000.00 880
8,000.01 12,000.00 1,160
12,000.01 16,000.00 1,360
16,000.01 20,000.00 1,680
20,000.01 30,000.00 1,880
30,000.01 40,000.00 2,090
40,000.01 60,000.00 3,130
60,000.01 70,000.00 3,330
70,000.01 80,000.00 3,730
80,000.01 100,000.00 4,500
100,000.01 120,000.00 4,900
120,000.01 140,000.00 5,700
140,000.01 160,000.00 6,500
160,000.01 180,000.00 7,300
180,000.01 200,000.00 8,100
200,000.01 220,000.00 8,900
220,000.01 240,000.00 9,700
240,000.01 260,000.00 10,500
260,000.01 280,000.00 10,800
280,000.01 300,000.00 11,600
300,000.01 320,000.00 11,600
320,000.01 340,000.00 11,600
340,000.01 360,000.00 11,600
360,000.01 380,000.00 11,600
380,000.01 400,000.00 11,600


  • Valid Original ID (Passport, CNIC, NICOP, SNIC, POC, ACC, POR) (in case of local nationals)
  • Valid Original Passport with valid Visa (in case of foreign nationals)